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Our 3 Day residential summer camps are a great way for children to experience an overnight holiday camp without being away from home for too long. It’s all about getting back to basics and inspiring a lifetime of adventure!

This summer kids camps is a wonderful experience for children who want to try something different and challenge themselves in a fun and natural environment. On this summer camp, they get the opportunity to learn new skills and make friends all while immersing themselves in the wilderness with no technology and screens as distractions.

All activities are bushcraft based. These camps serve as a gateway for budding explorers, introducing them to the basics of bushcraft and igniting their passion for the great outdoors.

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At the end of each camp at Camp Wilderness, campers are awarded a coveted badge as a symbol of their accomplishment and completion of the course. These badges are celebration of their achievement for completing the camp and recognises the skills they have now leaned and the experiences they have gained.

As a camper you can collect the badges by completing all of the courses. Wear these with pride when you return the following year for your next adventure!

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The following dates are available