Emily Skivington | 12 July 2024
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Hey there, first-time summer camp parents! Sending your kiddo off to camp for the first time is a big deal, filled with excitement, anticipation, and maybe a few butterflies in your stomach. Don’t worry – we’ve got you covered with these must-know tips to ensure your child’s first camp experience is nothing short of amazing. Let’s dive in!

  1. Choose the Right Camp: Before you start booking, make sure you’ve chosen the right camp for your child. Consider their interests, personality, and comfort level. Are they ready for a week-long camp or would a weekend away with parents be a better fit? A good match makes all the difference.
  2. Get the Gear Right: Camps come with a packing list – follow it! Make sure your child has all the essentials, like comfortable clothing, sturdy shoes, a good sleeping bag, and toiletries. Don’t forget extras like sunscreen, bug spray, and a reusable water bottle. Label everything with your child’s name to avoid lost items.
  3. Prepare for Homesickness: It’s natural for kids (and parents!) to feel a bit homesick. Prepare your child by talking about what to expect and encouraging them to embrace the adventure.
  4. Teach Basic Hygiene and Self-Care: Camp is a great time for kids to learn independence. Teach them basic hygiene and self-care, like brushing their teeth, washing their hands, and changing their clothes daily. Remind them about the importance of staying hydrated and applying sunscreen regularly.
  5. Encourage Social Skills: Summer camp is all about making new friends and having fun! Encourage your child to be open to meeting new people and trying new activities. Talk about how to introduce themselves, share, and include others in their games. These social skills will help them build lasting friendships.
  6. Pack Extra Supplies: Accidents happen, and things get lost. Pack extra socks, underwear, and a few spares of other important items. Include a small first-aid kit with band-aids, antiseptic wipes, and any necessary medications. A flashlight with extra batteries is also a camp essential.
  7. Practice Independence: In the weeks leading up to camp, give your child opportunities to practice independence. Let them spend a night at a friend’s house, choose their own outfits, or make simple meals. Building these skills beforehand will help them feel more confident and self-sufficient at camp.
  8. Stay Positive and Reassuring: Your attitude sets the tone for your child’s camp experience. Stay positive and reassuring, even if you’re feeling a bit anxious. Focus on the fun they’ll have, the new friends they’ll make, and the adventures they’ll embark on. Your enthusiasm will be contagious!
  9. Plan a Fun Send-Off: Make the send-off special! Plan a fun family breakfast or a small going-away party with friends. Celebrate this exciting milestone and remind your child how proud you are of them for taking this big step. A cheerful send-off sets a positive tone for the days ahead.
  10. Prepare for the Post-Camp Transition: Returning home from camp can be just as challenging as the initial departure. Prepare your child for the transition back to daily life. Give them time to share their stories and experiences, and be patient as they adjust back to routines. A post-camp reunion with camp friends can also help ease the transition.

Ready, Set, Camp!

With these tips in your back pocket, you’re all set to send your child off to summer camp with confidence. Remember, it’s a big adventure for both of you – filled with growth, learning, and unforgettable memories. Embrace the experience and enjoy the stories your child will have to share when they return.

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